The system follows with the related mine foundation information standard of nation, considers both digital plotting and spatial analysis of GIS principle and combines with the object-oriented program design consideration. 该体系具有遵循矿山基础信息的相关国家标准,兼顾数字绘图和空间分析原则,便于面向对象的程序设计等特点。
According to the characteristics of graphs in ship drafting and the capability of the computer system, this article introduces a method for creating automatic plotting program system. 针对船舶制图中图型的特点和计算机系统的能力,本文介绍了建立自动绘图程序的方法。
For regular graphs, the plotting program set is built up upon level structure of subprograms; 对于有规则的图形,用子程序分层结构,建立绘图程序组;
Planimetric Map Plotting Program and Its Application on Geologic Drawing Digitalization 平面图绘制程序及其在地质图件数字化中的应用
Plotting wind rose with Matlab program 风玫瑰图的Matlab编程绘制
Origin 6.0 is a mathematical software system and is widely used for various purposes such as data analysis and management, two and three dimensional function and scatter data plotting, and program development in scientific research and engineering design. Origin6.0作为一个数学软件平台,集数据管理与分析、二维及三维函数和离散数据绘图、程序开发等多功能于一体,广泛用于科学研究和工程计算。
The isoline plotting program system constituted with 12 programs in IMB-PC/ XT microcomputer is developed. 在IBM&PC/XT微机上开发了由12个程序构成的等值线绘图系统。
Gravity and magnetic data processing and plotting FORTRAN program tool kit 重、磁数据处理和图象显示FORTRAN程序库
Origin is powerful software for data analysis and plotting, linear fitting by using it does not program, the results can be got by a simple operation. Origin是一种功能强大的数据分析和绘图软件,用Origin作直线拟合,不用编程,简单操作即可获得结果。
HK1. LIB, In HK1. LIB, We add certain base plotting function, which is enable to make plotting in FORTRAN language program. 同时,在库中加入图形函数,使得能够使用FOR-TRAN语言编制绘图软件。
A General Plotting Software for DSH Program DSH仿真系统中适用于不同型号绘图仪的通用绘图软件
The system classifies different professional layers and codes the object-oriented geology and survey information entity and the property of entity following with the related mine foundation information standard of nation, considering both digital plotting and spatial analysis of GIS principle and combining with the object-oriented program design thought. 该分类编码遵循矿山基础信息相关的国家标准,兼顾数字绘图和地理信息系统空间分析原则,结合面向对象的程序设计思想,按专题图层分类组织,面向煤矿地质测量的对象实体及实体属性进行编码。
In respect of software, we have made three pro-gram, and made due modification of GS-3410 plotting program used in 1704 computer. 软件部份编制3个程序并对原1704计算机的GS-3410绘图程序作了必要的修改。
The Plotting Program used on IBM-PC is studied. The model, structure feature and block diagram of plotting software are given. 本文介绍了作者在IBM-PC计算机上研制成功的绘图程序,给出了所设计的绘图软件模型、程序结构特点和程序框图。
This part is the basic plotting means of the graph algorithm's program implementation. 本部分是图形绘制算法程序实现的基本手段。
The program is well designed of a modular structure consisting mainly of the introduction program, the screen plotting program, the filing program, the master control program, the normalization program, the Lagrange's linear interpolation program, the polynomial program, etc. 处理程序采用模块结构,主要包括引导程序、屏幕绘图程序、制作文件程序、主控程序、归一化程序、拉格朗日线性插值程序和曲线拟合程序等。
Generation of Automatic Plotting Program System with Interactive Graphics 人机会话自动绘图程序系统和图形库的形成方法
An optical plotting program developed on the IBM-PC computer is described, and the application method of the computer graphic technique, the program structure features and the program block-d ■ agram are given. 介绍在IBM-PC计算机上研制的光学绘图程序,给出应用计算机图形技术的方法、程序结构特点及程序框图等。
The creating technique of a rock symbol library is a kernel of plotting column by a computer. It has a direct effect on the quality of a rock symbol pattern and the program availability. 岩石花纹库的生成技术是计算机绘制柱状剖面图的核心环节,它直接关系到岩石花纹图案的质量和程序的实用性。
Plotting Program of REE Pattern 稀土元素模式图绘制程序
Sharing of chart and character task was implemented with usable object to create interface of plotting program. 通过可应用对象完成图文作业共享,生成要图标绘程序界面。
It represented the method of plotting the final map by overlapping various coverages according to the code tables and lookup tables, the process of outputting the cropland classifying map was finished by program. 阐述了根据图形库特征编码表和建立绘图符号查找表,按不同图层叠加绘制成果图的方法,该过程用命令程序实现耕地等别图的输出。